Are friends important to you?
(Answer 1)
Yes, they are! They’re incredibly (extremely) important in my life as they add meaning to my existence. Through them, I learned some valuable things that are needed in life such as being compassionate (feeling or showing sympathy with others) with others, caring for those who are neglected (not receiving care and attention), loving those who are unloved, and being thoughtful of those who are forgotten. I’m just lucky that I met these types of people.
(Answer 2)
Absolutely! I can’t imagine those people who don’t have any friends. I think it must be lonely. Well, actually, I don’t have many friends. I only have a couple of friends but they’re quality (trustworthy) friends. I truly consider them my closest friends.
What kind of friend do you want to meet in the future?
(Answer 1)
Honestly, I have nothing in mind (in one’s thoughts) at the moment. I dunno, I guess someone who can add value to my life. Of course, nobody wants to make friends with someone who is a bad influence or who can ruin one’s life. But anyway, I would love to be surprised by life in terms of meeting new people and building friendships with them.
(Answer 2)
If ever I get to meet new people and eventually build a good relationship with them that’ll turn into a meaningful friendship, I want them to have similar life principles as I have. That is, they value personal growth, they stay away (avoid) from drama, they give more importance to meaningful conversations, and more importantly, they share common interests with me. Well, at least one or two interests.
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Do you like to spend time with friends or do you want to be alone?
(Answer 1)
Both! I mean, I’d love to be with my friends as they’re supportive and they enrich (improve the value of) my life. However, there are times when I simply want to be alone. I want to eat out by myself, go shopping on my own, or go for a walk without anybody. And I think there’s nothing wrong with that. Sometimes, we all need alone time to reflect on life or on anything.
(Answer 2)
I love spending time with my friends, especially when there’s an important occasion so we can catch up (to talk to someone and exchange information or news). Besides, I’d love to be with them when I go through (experience; or undergo) some difficulty, or when any of my friends needs support, I’m there for them. On the other hand, I want to be on my own sometimes to simply enjoy my own company.
What do you and your friends do together?
(Answer 1)
When I get the chance to hang out (spend time socializing) with my friends, we normally eat out, go for a walk in the park, or attend concerts. These activities help us recharge (to become restored in energy) since we’re all busy with our respective work and personal life. We make sure to arrange a meet-up from time to time (occasionally) so we can update one another on the happenings of life.
(Answer 2)
I’m fortunate (lucky) that my friends are into fitness as I am so most of the time, we hit the gym (visit a gym to exercise), go hiking, or go cycling to national parks. Just recently, we went hiking to one of the most famous mountains in this country and it was an amazing (causing a great surprise) experience for all of us.
What kind of people do you like to make friends with?
(Answer 1)
Well, of course, I’m into (be interested in or involved with) making friends whose interests are the same as mine. As I love outdoor activities, I can easily make friends with those who are also into what I love doing such as hiking, mountain climbing, and cycling. Actually, the majority of my friends come from an outdoor sports club that I’m a member of.
(Answer 2)
I love to forge (to make or form) friendships with people who are full of joviality ( feeling jolly and full of good humor)! The reason is obvious – I want to be happy and positive, I can’t stand (unable to put up with something or someone) making friends with those who are full of drama, being so sensitive, and those who get offended (to make the person feel hurt, angry or upset by something said or done) easily.
(Answer 3)
I’m very picky (choosy) when it comes to making friends as a result, I only have a handful (a small quantity or number) of friends but they are near and dear (very close in relationship) to me. I value honesty and loyalty, so if one possesses (have) these valuable traits, I can easily make friends with him.
Do you think you are a good friend?
(Answer 1)
Perhaps (used to express uncertainty; maybe)…I don’t know, I think it’s my friends who can say whether or not I’m good to them. So, I will leave it to them (to give someone responsibility for dealing with something) to assess me if I’m a valuable friend.
(Answer 2)
I believe I am, as far as I’m concerned (to indicate that you are giving an opinion about something ), my relationship with my closest friends would not last long if I was a terrible friend. Honestly, I treasure (cherish; hold dear ) our relationship as much as I treasure my family. I believe that is one of the bases (plural form of basis; refers to foundation or reasoning) why I can confidently say that I’m a good friend.
What do you think makes a person a good friend?
(Answer 1)
I believe this varies (differ) from person to person, as for me, I always look up (to admire and respect someone) to a friend who has a word of honor (a promise that one will do something) – someone who keeps his promise. Also, being trustworthy (reliable; honest) is a major thing for me – I can say that a person is a great friend when he can be trusted.
(Answer 2)
Well, a person can be a true friend when he is supportive of you in achieving your dreams in life. He’s there with you through thick and thin (under all circumstances), not to mention being understanding and honest. Luckily, I’ve found those kinds of friends.
Do you keep in touch with your childhood friends?
(Answer 1)
Yes, I do but definitely only the closest friends of mine. I have three childhood friends whom I consider for keeps (for always; permanently). Two of them move out (leaving one’s place of residence) of our country, one is living in the US and the other one is in New Zealand while the other one is living in my neighboring town. Well, we all have our own family now however we make sure to update each other every now and then (from time to time).
(Answer 2)
Not at all! Unfortunately (sadly; unluckily), I wasn’t able to make great friends during my childhood days, though I did have some friends. Besides (in addition), my family moved to the countryside from a city when I finished primary school so I didn’t have any chance to meet them again and ask for their contact information.
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Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Collins, Macmillan, Cambridge, Oxford
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