Do you always bring a lot of keys with you?
(Answer 1)
Well, I bring keys with me but not a lot. I just have my house key and my car key and I always make sure (confirm; make certain) to keep them safe in my bag or else (used to say what will happen if something is not done) I won’t be able to get home. Honestly, I can’t imagine losing any of them, I guess I’ll get paranoid (obsessively anxious) if I lose one of them.
(Answer 2)
Not at all, I only have one key that I always bring with me and that’s my keycard for my apartment – it’s very similar to what we use in a hotel. I actually lost it once and thankfully the management of my apartment was so kind that they replaced it without any hassle (problem; trouble). Actually, I don’t have a reason to bring a lot of keys with me.
Have you ever lost your keys?
(Answer 1)
Not even once, thank God (use as an expression of relief)! To be honest with you, I’m an obsessive-compulsive type of person. As I said earlier, I make sure to keep my keys in a safe place like my bag. So, before I leave home and leave the office, I check my keys if they’re with me. That is a habit of mine and that never fails me.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a disorder in which people have recurring, unwanted thoughts, ideas or sensations (obsessions). To get rid of the thoughts, they feel driven to do something repetitively (compulsions). The repetitive behaviors, such as hand washing/cleaning, checking on things, and mental acts like (counting) or other activities, can significantly interfere with a person’s daily activities and social interactions. –
(Answer 2)
Yes, numerous times. As I’ve said, I lost my keycard for my apartment once, and honestly, this question reminds me of the time when I was a high school student when I lost my bedroom key, my cam lock (L-shaped locking mechanism that is used to secure cabinets, lockers, and other enclosures) key for my locker in school, the key to my diary, and many more. I don’t know I think I’m incredibly (to a great extent) careless (inattentive).
Do you often forget the keys and lock yourself out?
(Answer 1)
I’ve never experienced that one! Well, with my obsessive-compulsive behavior, I believe that will never happen as I always double-check (go over a second time to ensure that it is accurate or safe) my things including my keys before leaving home or work. I’m always like that so that hasn’t happened to me and I believe it won’t happen unless (except if) someone steals my bag where my keys are kept.
(Answer 2)
Well, it’s not often but I had some experiences that I couldn’t get into (to enter) my apartment. The most recent one was two months ago. My keycard was lost. I dunno I guess I dropped it when I was on the train since I kept it inside my pocket. Perhaps, when I got my handkerchief in my pocket, I unknowingly (unintentionally) dropped it.
Do you think it’s a good idea to leave your keys to your neighbor?
(Answer 1)
It’s never a good idea to leave one’s key to a neighbor simply because it isn’t safe. We can never put our trust in our neighbors very easily considering the many crimes that are existing nowadays. However, if our neighbor is a family member with whom we have a good relationship, then I think it’s possible to do that.
(Answer 2)
Absolutely not! Well, why would we leave our keys to one of our neighbors in the first place? (rhetorical question) For me, that’s the dumbest (stupidest) thing a person can do. I don’t even know my neighbors in the apartment building where I live, I just can’t imagine asking my neighbors if I could leave my house key with them. They would probably think that I lost my mind (to become mentally-ill or to start behaving in a strange way).
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