What do you like to talk about with your friends?
(Answer 1)
I enjoy talking about our respective (personal) goals because whenever we talk about our goals we become motivated to make them a reality. Also, we talk about the economic situation in our country and the world as we get to decide wisely with our stock investments on whether to sell our shares or not.
(Answer 2)
Honestly, my friends and I talk randomly (chosen by chance rather than according to a plan) when we meet. Of course, we talk about our personal lives but most of the time, whatever topics that come to mind (thoughts that occur to someone) are what we just talk about. Last weekend, I met my friends at a cafe and we simply talked about politics, business, our respective families, goals, and many other things and that was really fun.
Have your discussion topics changed since you were a child?
(Answer 1)
Yes, and I think that’s pretty normal. As we get older, our way of thinking and the way we look at things definitely change. In the past, my friends and I didn’t talk about goals as we’re just too young to talk about that seriously. Well, we didn’t know anything about life then (during that time). And when we became teens, we only talked about online games, the internet, and things like that (used when you do not want to complete a list).
(Answer 2)
Absolutely! When I was a kid, I only talked about food and toys. Nothing else. As I become mature (adult), I’ve started to get interested in talking about aspirations (hopes or ambitions), jobs, businesses, and obligations that adults are born to deal with. So, yeah, the interest in conversation topics does change.
Do you prefer to communicate via face to face or via social media?
(Answer 1)
I prefer the former because it’s more fun and easy to understand. As we know, there are some non-verbal cues in communication that are subtle (delicate; difficult to understand or perceive) which you need to understand to achieve effective communication. Well, that’s not always possible via social media or video conference calls, and that results in miscommunication or misunderstanding. Therefore, I prefer communicating with my friends or family in person (with physical presence).
(Answer 2)
That depends on the situation. If the only way to talk to someone is through social media or video conference applications, then talking with them through that channel is just so right. But if there’s a way to talk to someone face-to-face, then both parties should choose that way because nothing can replace the fun and excitement that face-to-face communication brings, right?
Do you argue with friends?
(Answer 1)
Not anymore. Now that I have become mature, I just realized that there’s no point in arguing since my friends and I have different perspectives on life. Our beliefs or opinions are formed differently because we have different circumstances or experiences in life. Back then (to refer to a specific time in the past), I argued with my friends and somehow imposed (forced something to be accepted) my beliefs on them as they did to me. However, when I started to embrace people’s differences that’s when I stopped arguing with them or engaging in arguments.
(Answer 2)
Honestly, arguments are only for those people who don’t respect and value (give importance) differences. My friends and I don’t argue even though our political and religious beliefs are completely different. We respect each other’s opinions and religion and we never ever impose (force something to be accepted) our beliefs on each of us because that’s just not right. Our friendship is built with respect, love, and understanding.
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Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Collins, Macmillan, Cambridge, Oxford
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