Have you ever tried any exciting activities?
(Answer 1)
Yes, of course! I’m always up for exciting activities as I want to make my life more exciting and fun. Well, I tried different kinds of rides, especially the scariest ones in an amusement park, and I also tried paragliding. They’re great experiences of mine and one of these days I’ll give skydiving a shot (give something a shot – try).
(Answer 2)
Yes, but not too many. I just tried snorkeling, ziplining, and hiking. Well, for some people hiking is not exciting but I really think it is one of the most exciting activities one can do. One day, I’ll try paragliding.
What do you think were the exciting activities you did when you were a child?
(Answer 1)
Oh! I was a child a long time ago so I’m not sure about those activities which I found exciting then. Well, I guess, going to an amusement park and roller skating since I loved doing those when I was a primary schooler. I think these two were the activities that excited me.
(Answer 2)
Since my family lived near a lake, swimming in the lake and fishing were the exciting outdoor activities I often did as a child. I remember my dad taught me how to swim in that lake and every summertime we went fishing. How I wish I could turn back time!
Has anything exciting happened to you recently?
(Answer 1)
Nothing. My life lately is full of work. I have to do this and that to complete my tasks at work. It’s actually tiring but I have bills to pay so I have to work and I shouldn’t complain. I think I need a vacation so I can experience something exciting.
(Answer 2)
Yes, and that’s getting rewards from my credit card. I converted my accumulated (acquired) points to a roundtrip ticket to Japan. I’m thrilled (excited) not only because I’ll be able to have a vacation next month but also because I was able to save by not purchasing airline tickets using my money.
Would you like to try scuba diving and bungee jumping?
(Answer 1)
Yes, I would love to. I believe that’ll be fun, exciting, and unforgettable. But I’ll do bungee jumping first since that’s not expensive compared to scuba diving. If I do scuba diving, I need to buy gear and I have to enroll in a training course so I can do it very safely, and that takes time.
(Answer 2)
Yes, why not? I think doing any of the two can give me a different kind of experience and I live my life to experience anything. So, whether it’s scuba diving or bungee jumping, I have no reason not to try both.
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Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Collins, Macmillan, Cambridge, Oxford
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