What do you give others as gifts?
(Answer 1)
Well, there’s no single answer to that question because it all depends on different factors such as the gender of the person, his or her interests, the relationship I have with the person, and the person’s status. These things are what I consider when gifting someone so choosing a gift is not a walk in the park (something that’s very easy to accomplish). But, I make sure that it’s not undesirable.
(Answer 2)
Well, I always consider the interests of the person when I give gifts. For instance, if the person is into (be interested in) books, I find a book that is interesting and can provide value to the person. Or if the person loves watching movies, I give him a movie ticket or a coupon so he can choose the film that he’s interested in watching. For me, it’s never difficult to buy a gift for someone when you know his interests.
How often do you buy gifts for other people?
(Answer 1)
Honestly, many times a year as I’m surrounded by many good friends and loved ones. So, whenever they celebrate their birthdays, I give them gifts. When we celebrate special occasions like Christmas and Thanksgiving, I buy gifts for them. Well, giving gifts is part of our culture so we’re expected to buy presents many times over (repeatedly; often).
(Answer 2)
Multiple times a year! That’s because of special occasions such as birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and more. I expect myself to spend lots of money on presents annually. But anyway, I’m happy to be able to make other people happy through gift-giving.
Have you ever received a gift that you didn’t like?
(Answer 1)
Yes, I have but, of course, I didn’t tell the person who gave that gift to me that I didn’t like. I would appear so rude and ungrateful if I told him blatantly. You know, you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth (never criticize a gift that is given even if you don’t like it very much).
(Answer 2)
I may sound ungrateful if I admit it, but, yes, I have received some. Well, some of my friends enjoy making fun (to tease; to laugh at) of me so I already expect that they won’t take giving presents seriously. Last birthday of mine, I received pretty random gifts from my friends. I received a rug, a wok, a pillowcase, and things like that (things related to what’s mentioned). Of course, they’re useful, however, I already have a lot of those at home.
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Do you give expensive gifts?
(Answer 1)
Not really, as I always believe that it’s the thought that really counts (the effort of a person in giving is more valuable than the gift itself) not the monetary value (refers to the worth; price) of the present. I usually give some presents that are of reasonable (worth the money, neither expensive nor cheap) price and decent. Well, I’m proud to say that I’m an expert in choosing gifts that can surely bring a smile to the face of the receiver.
(Answer 2)
Yes, I do because I feel like giving expensive gifts means giving importance to the person who receives the gift. Besides, I don’t want to be construed (interpreted) as stingy since stinginess connotes (implies; suggests) selfishness, but, that’s just my principle anyway.
What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?
Wow, that’s interesting! That is something that I’ve never thought of. I guess flowers, chocolates, and jewelry for women, as these are tangible (something that can be touched ) symbols of love, while wallets or watches for men since these are very useful in a man’s everyday life. As for children, toys or candies – normally they are delighted (to be happy) to receive those presents.
Why do people give gifts?
I suppose people send presents to express their gratitude (appreciation; thankfulness) to someone. It’s also a way to show that they care about the people who mean so much to them. Another reason is that people just want to reward their family members or closest friends who have achieved something remarkable (valuable) in their lives.
What’s the best gift or present you have ever received?
(Answer 1)
I got an expensive watch as a graduation gift from my parents. I never thought that they would give me such a luxurious watch after completing my master’s (a postgraduate degree). I know how high-priced that watch was since I saw it once in a catalog for very expensive watches. I was at a loss for words (to be surprised) when I received it and I really couldn’t thank them enough (used to say when one is very appreciative of another’s action or words) for giving me that extremely valuable present.
(Answer 2)
Oh, that’s hard since I received so many valuable gifts. Well, if I were to choose only one, I think it’d be a concert ticket for my favorite band called Far Caspian. I couldn’t believe my best friend gave me that concert ticket as a birthday present – I was really taken aback (to be very surprised) when I got it. Oh wow, wonderful memories are now flashing into my mind (to enter one’s mind for an instant)!
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Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Collins, Macmillan, Cambridge, Oxford
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