Have you ever learned about outer space and stars?
(Answer 1)
Yes, I learned about those things when I was a grader in our science class. That’s when I first learned about the solar system, and you know what, this question reminds me of the time when we were so fascinated (interested) by the appearance of the universe when we watched a science movie in our class. It’s a lovely memory of our innocence.
(Answer 2)
Definitely! I remember I needed to learn the different planets and their characteristics by heart (learn by heart – memorize) because I wanted to get a perfect score in our science exam. Besides, I learned about how the sun and the moon affect the lives of people. That was when I was an elementary school student and I can say that that was a great subject.
Is it important to study stars?
(Answer 1)
I think it is so we can understand how the universe works. All of us spent time learning about stars, outer space, planets, and more when we were elementary students, and those broadened (widened) our understanding of the universe and our existence. All those things remind us of how amazing the universe is and how insignificant (unimportant) we are.
(Answer 2)
Personally, it isn’t, unless one wants to become a scientist. I mean, what can studying stars do with those people who are working in the service industry? For sure, it doesn’t mean anything to them as they need practical knowledge in servicing their clients, not knowledge about stars. So, for me, that is only important if one wants to get a job that gives value to outer space.
Do you like science fiction movies?
(Answer 1)
Well, I’m not a fan of that movie genre. I find it boring. In all fairness (considering everything that has an effect on a situation, so that a fair judgment can be made), I tried watching one of the most notable science fiction movies titled, War of the Worlds, when I was a high school student, however, it didn’t capture my interest. I dunno no matter how I convinced myself that it’s one of the best science fiction movies, it just didn’t grow on me (if something or someone grows on you, you start to like them more).
(Answer 2)
I love science fiction movies. I find them entertaining and they make me think how brilliant (exceptionally clever or talented) the minds of the writer, the movie director, and the creative director are in creating such a film. It must take so much creativity and talent to create a science fiction film. Actually, I watched a lot of sci-fis but it’s the movie, The Matrix that I consider the best.
What would you do if you had the opportunity to travel to space?
(Answer 1)
Oh wow! I have never thought about it. I dunno, I guess I’d document my breathtaking and one-of-a-kind experience by taking photos and videos. I’d probably touch the surface of the moon or the planet Mars and feel its texture. And I’d raise the flag of my country like what the American astronauts did many years ago.
(Answer 2)
That sounds pretty interesting. I would definitely roll on the surface of the moon or the planet Mars. I think it’d be fun. But I dunno if it’s possible since humans only float on the moon due to weightlessness. I dunno what I could do then, I can’t think of anything, except for that.
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Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Collins, Macmillan, Cambridge, Oxford
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