Do you like science?
(Answer 1)
Well, I love science! That was actually my favorite subject when I was a student. I did enjoy doing experiments and exploring anything that’s related to science. In fact, I got straight As in all of my science subjects in high school and college. For me, science is the most fascinating (interesting) subject among other subjects in school as it teaches students about living creatures, the universe, and the environment.
(Answer 2)
It’s such a shame to admit (claim) this but I’m not a big fan (dislike) of science because I find it difficult, especially the two branches of science, chemistry, and physics. When I was a student, I didn’t do well in science and I was one of those students in the class who barely (almost not) got a passing grade during major exams.
(Answer 3)
Not at all, I’m more into (phrase: be interested) arts and literature. Actually, I was one of those students who barely (adverb: almost not) passed major exams in science. When I was a student, I really wondered why I didn’t inherit (verb: derive a quality genetically) my parents’ interest in science, but later I realized that I was born to love arts and literature so I simply embraced that weakness of mine.
(Answer 4)
Definitely! I enjoy learning all sorts of science, but it’s the subject of Biology that captured my interest (phrase: to make someone interested) when I was a student. All those things that I learned then are so helpful now that I’m a nurse.
When did you start to learn about science?
(Answer 1)
Well, in primary school, if I’m not mistaken at the age of seven. In this country, schools’ curriculums require pupils to learn science at a young age because our government wants children to love that subject. As you know, science plays an important role in developing a nation.
(Answer 2)
I think when I was seven or eight years old. I still remember how fascinated (adj.: interested) I was learning about growing a plant from seed. Our teacher asked us to soak (verb: immerse in water) the seed in a container and after three days, it germinated (verb: begin to grow). As a kid, that was the most exciting lesson since it developed my ability to question things.
Which science subject is interesting to you?
(Answer 1)
I love Biology! Because of that subject, I got to understand how living creatures survive, interact with other creatures, and function in the environment. I still remember how fascinated (interested) I was learning about living organisms in that subject when I was a high school student. That subject undeniably piqued my curiosity (to make someone curious).
(Answer 2)
Although I wasn’t interested in science when I was a student as I found it hard, these days I’ve enjoyed learning about environmental science because of the National Geographic channel. Watching that channel has become my stress reliever as it helps me widen my understanding of living creatures, their habitat, the environment, and the like. All these things are new to me since they weren’t taught in school when I was a student.
(Answer 3)
I’m sorry, I don’t like science at all. But if I had to choose one, I think it would be Zoology because it’s the study of animals. Well, I love animals. I have pets at home – a dog, two love birds, and a cat.
(Answer 4)
Like I said, Biology. I’m happy learning about how life is formed and understanding how other living organisms survive on this planet Earth. Those things really excite me!
What kinds of interesting things have you done with science?
(Answer 1)
Wow, there’s a lot! The first one is dissecting (methodically cutting up) dead animals and understanding their internal organs. Aside from that learning human anatomy and conducting some experiments on herbs to treat some diseases. Those are the most interesting things I did with science and doing all those things when I was a student helped me develop investigative skills. Thanks to my teacher for letting us experience those amazing things in science.
(Answer 2)
As I wasn’t a fan of (not liking something very much) science when I was a student, I believe I need some time to recall the things that I did in science…Well, learning how to use a microscope and seeing those bacteria from the microscopic lens was incredibly fun and fascinating. Aside from that, I consider joining excursions (short trips) like visiting science museums or laboratories as interesting things.
(Answer 3)
Well, that’s hard as I’m not a fan (expression: not like something) of learning science, but let me think…well, perhaps when we conducted an experiment on the anatomy (noun: a study of the bodily structure of humans, animals, and other living organisms) of a frog. I think I can consider it interesting since I got to know the different parts of a frog. When I think about it now, I realize that that lesson didn’t really add value to my life.
(Answer 4)
Wow, there were so many things but I must say the most interesting one was when I studied a cadaver (noun: corpse). It was actually preserved in the school’s laboratory. I was a nursing student then and our teacher wanted us to understand human anatomy better. At first, I was a bit scared but later on, I was able to convince myself that I needed to face my fear as I wanted to become a nurse.
Do you like watching science-related TV programs?
(Answer 1)
Of course! I love watching those types of TV programs. Actually, I started watching science-related TV programs when I was an elementary student because my mom really wanted me to like science. Besides, she bought some DVDs of science movies or shows so I could watch those during my school breaks. These days, I’m a big fan (like something very much) of Discovery Channel and National Geographic.
(Answer 2)
Yes, I do but I only watch National Geographic. As I said earlier, that’s the channel that helps me improve my mood, especially when I’m so exhausted from work. Perhaps, if I can find another science-related TV program that is as entertaining and educational as National Geographic, I might give it a shot (to try to do something).
Do you like science classes?
(Answer 1)
Yes definitely! I’m more into learning sciences because it helps me acquire an in-depth understanding of the world that I’m living in – everything around me has a relation with science: the air that I’m breathing, gravity, the sunrise, the sunset, the flora and fauna, the human anatomy, to name a few. Well, I can’t understand why there are some people who consider this subject boring as I find it more interesting.
(Answer 2)
Not at all! Science is one of the subjects that I really loathed when I was a student, especially when I started studying Physics and Chemistry. I don’t know, I just couldn’t absorb the lessons. It’s such a shame that oftentimes I got a C in most of my major science exams. I think it wasn’t my cup of tea!
Be into [phrase] – be interested in
In-depth [phrase] – in great detail; extensively
Flora and fauna [noun] – flora means the plant life; fauna means animals
Human anatomy [noun] – the study of the structure of the human body and the relationship of its parts
To name a few [phrase] – giving only some examples although more can be mentioned
Loathe [verb] – intense dislike of something or someone
C [noun] – a letter grade with a percentage equivalent from 73-77
Cup of tea [noun phrase] – something one likes
i.) ANSWER 1: The speaker gave a positive direct answer and then provided a specific reason. In order for him to express his answer a bit more, he cited some important things that are associated with science. He then ended his answer by wondering why some people couldn’t appreciate that subject. If you notice, the speaker provided topic vocabulary words about science. A well-explained answer!
ii.) ANSWER 2: The speaker gave a negative answer and expressed his intense dislike of that subject. He recalled the time when he was still a student studying Science and how he under-performed. He ended his answer by stating a very good expression to wrap up everything that he said.
What kinds of science classes did you study at school?
(Answer 1)
It’s just the same as most students learn! During my first year in high school, I studied Science and Technology, then Biology during my sophomore year, the year after, I studied Chemistry, and for my last year in high school, Physics. Of all those branches of Science that I spent time studying, Biology is the most fascinating, and Physics, is for me, the most challenging.
(Answer 2)
If my memory serves me right, I didn’t study science in primary school, I started studying science when I was in secondary school because it’s part of our curriculum. I had to learn Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Technology, especially Electrical Engineering. Because of my love of science, I decided to take up Biology as my major course at the university, and here I am, planning to study further at one of the best universities in the US so I can acquire a Master’s degree in Biology.
Sophomore [noun] – second year
Fascinating [adj.] – interesting
Challenging [adj.] – difficult
If my memory serves me right [expression] – If I remember correctly
Curriculum [noun] – syllabus; course of study
Take up [phrase] – engage in a pursuit Acquire [verb] – obtain
i.) ANSWER 1: The speaker started his answer by just stating the facts. Then he transitioned to talking about the different branches of science that he studied year after year. Those were very good topic vocabulary words! Finally, he ended his answer by citing his favorite and least favorite branches of science.
ii.) ANSWER 2: The speaker opened his answer by using a very natural expression for recalling his memory. He then enumerated some branches of science that he spent time studying in his high school years. The last part of his answer is his conclusive statement emphasizing his love of science and the main reason why he’s taking the IELTS exam. Such a very realistic ending!
Did you have science classes in your primary school? Or only in high school?
(Answer 1)
As I’ve just mentioned, I started studying science when I was a high school student. That was the very time I learned anything about science. However, Biology captured my interest the most since I had this burning desire to learn about Human Anatomy and Physiology. During those times, I always wondered how human organs function and how they influence people’s everyday lives.
(Answer 2)
I came from a primary and secondary school in which science education is a major part of the school’s curriculum. So as early as 7 years old, I was already exposed to learning basic science experiments like osmosis. I have to say the training in those kinds of schools is way better than the ordinary state schools or even private schools since we learned some scientific theories that helped us develop our analytical skills.
Very time [expression] – exact or precise time
Captured my interest [phrase] – to make someone interested
Burning desire [expression] – the need to achieve something is very strong; a strong feeling
Physiology [noun] – a branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts
Osmosis [noun] – the movement of water or other solvents through a plasma membrane from a region of low solute concentration to a region of high solute concentration
i.) ANSWER 1: The speaker reiterated what he said, however, he added new ideas to his answer in order for him not to be repetitive. He talked about one particular branch of Science that he enjoyed studying.
ii.) ANSWER 2: The speaker didn’t choose one choice over the other, instead, he answered both. Then, to extend his answer, he talked about the early age when he started learning science and how it helped him develop his skills.
Do you think science classes are important?
(Answer 1)
I think it depends on a person’s personal view, however, I strongly believe that science classes play a crucial role in our lives. With science, we learn so many things about our world even simple phenomena like understanding the weather, how the movement of the moon affects the tides, and when storms occur, among others. Those phenomena influence our everyday lives and the absence of knowledge of those things has a negative impact on people’s lives.
(Answer 2)
I couldn’t emphasize the importance of science classes enough! They are important as we learn about the world, natural phenomena, human physiology, the living things – well, life in general! Besides, in this era where science and technology are the main industries, it is imperative to learn science in order to secure a better job in the future.
Crucial [adj.] – of great importance
Phenomena [noun] [plural of phenomenon] – occurrence
Tides [noun] – the rising and falling of the sea
Among others [phrase] – to indicate that there are other several facts
Couldn’t emphasize this enough [expression] – it means very important
Imperative [adj.] – important; of vital importance
i.) ANSWER 1: The speaker developed his introductory part by saying that it all depends on the person’s view. Then he transitioned to explaining his personal view as to why science classes are important. He also gave some examples to support his claim which helped him explain his argument better. Finally, he ended his answer by stating that if one didn’t have any knowledge about science, it would surely put him in difficulty. A well-organized answer by presenting his points clearly!
ii.) ANSWER 2: The speaker started his answer with a very good and natural expression to express the importance of learning science. Then, he talked about what we all can learn by studying science. Also to make his argument even stronger, he talked about the science and technology industry that provides better job opportunities to everyone when they learn science. It’s a well-thought-out answer!
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Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Collins, Macmillan, Cambridge, Oxford
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