What sports do you like?
(Answer 1)
I’m into team sports because they’re exciting and fun. I was once a member of a soccer team when I was a high school student and through joining that soccer team I learned the importance of camaraderie (fellowship). Besides, I developed the habit of living healthily since our coach disciplined us to have healthy habits which include exercising and eating right.
(Answer 2)
Honestly, I’m not really a sporty person, however, when someone invites me to play tennis, I just don’t say no because I enjoy playing tennis. And you know what, whenever I feel depressed I just binge-watch (to watch multiple episodes) sports like tennis, baseball, and basketball on TV for hours and hours.
Where did you learn to play that sport?
(Answer 1)
Well, obviously, at my high school. I had a couple of tryouts (competitions for a position in a team) before I got accepted into the soccer team. I just got interested in joining since I wanted to do something worthwhile (valuable) in my free time and fortunately, the coaches that managed that soccer team saw potential in me.
(Answer 2)
It was my uncle who taught me how to play tennis in his backyard and if my memory serves me right (if I remember correctly) that was when I was five years old. They had a huge area where a decent tennis court was built. So, whenever my family paid a visit to his house, I played tennis with him. It was fun and memorable.
Did you do some sports when you were young?
(Answer 1)
Yes, I did. When I was a grader, I played badminton often and sometimes soccer with my classmates. Playing sports was one of the most exciting things I did when I was an elementary school student. I believe that helped me develop some athletic skills which I needed to pass the soccer tryouts in high school.
(Answer 2)
As I said, I started playing tennis at the age of five so I did play sports when I was little. However, I didn’t become very much interested in playing sports because when I was an elementary school student I was more focused on academics because I wanted to get a scholarship from a prestigious (reputable) high school.
(Answer 3)
No, I didn’t. When I was an elementary or high school student, I wasn’t active in sports since I was more focused on academics. I really wanted to achieve better grades in school as I valued (gave importance to) awards or recognitions more. I only started doing some sports when I was a university student since most of my friends are really into (to be very interested in) sports. Somehow, they influenced me to do some sports as well.
Do you think students need more exercise?
(Answer 1)
Yes, I really believe that students must allocate (assign) some time to exercise because they need to be healthy. As we know, most students have a sedentary (inactive) lifestyle these days because of playing online games too much or spending more time on social media, or streaming sites. Because of that, I really believe that schools must make their students do some physical activities so they can be healthy.
(Answer 2)
Definitely! And to be honest with you, I think all of us need more exercise, not just the students. We need more of it to keep us fit and keep us from acquiring diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and the like. As for students, I really think that schools should include exercise in their curriculum in order for students to understand the importance of exercising.
Do you know any people who are good at sports?
(Answer 1)
I know an acquaintance (a person one knows slightly, but who is not a close friend) who is incredibly (extremely) good at playing tennis. He’s the friend of my mother’s friend. He’s actually a tennis coach at one of the most prominent (popular) schools in our city. Actually, there was a time in the past when my mom encouraged me to enroll in his class since he’s also offering private lessons, but, tennis isn’t my cup of tea (not what one is interested in).
(Answer 2)
Yes, of course! Two of my friends were basketball varsity players (sports players of the school’s sports team) back during college. They’re incredibly good at playing basketball. One of them became a professional basketball player as he was offered to play in a national basketball team in our country, however, the other one didn’t pursue a sports career as he studied medicine so he could follow in his parent’s footsteps (to do the same thing as someone else) being a doctor.
Do you think it is important for people to exercise?
(Answer 1)
Absolutely! Exercising makes us healthy. We’ve been taught about the benefits of exercising even when we’re just primary schoolers. So, in order for us to avoid acquiring (getting; obtaining) different diseases because of having a poor lifestyle, we really need to spend time moving our bodies as much as possible.
(Answer 2)
Without question (without doubt; definitely), it is! As we know a person becomes ill if he doesn’t prioritize his health. Exercising and eating healthily are needed to be able to save oneself from getting some chronic diseases (conditions that last 1 year or more and require ongoing medical attention) such as diabetes, or heart disease. Therefore, if one wants to be healthy, one has to exercise.
Do you like watching sports programs on TV?
(Answer 1)
Definitely! I love watching basketball and soccer on TV with my dad. My dad and I have established a very good relationship because of our interest in sports and that’s something I’m so happy about.
(Answer 2)
Yes, I do, however, I prefer watching sports live because it’s more fun. I can cheer my favorite team on, I can interact with other sports fans and the lively energy of the crowd is so infectious (capable of spreading rapidly to others). The feeling of watching sports live is really inexplicable (cannot be explained).
Do you like to watch live sports games?
(Answer 1)
Yes, who doesn’t like to? Although I’m happy to watch sports programs on TV, watching sports live is truly incomparable. The last time I watched soccer live was three years ago. I was cheering on (to support or encourage) my favorite soccer team and that was the last sports event I went to since the news about the pandemic broke.
(Answer 2)
Of course! As I said earlier, I prefer watching sports live more than watching them on TV. Actually, I’m very happy these days since little by little life is getting back to normal. We can now go to a sports event without worrying too much about the coronavirus. It’s a big relief (comfort) for us sports fanatics (extremely enthusiastic fans of sports).
Who do you like to watch sports games with?
(Answer 1)
Well, no one else but my dad! When Dad and I watch sports either on TV or in a sports stadium, we’re just too noisy. We easily get carried away (to be so excited that we cannot control our behavior) by our emotions and we just love it!
(Answer 2)
I love watching sports with my closest friends because we both share an interest in sports. I would love to do it with my family but I’m the only one at home who’s really into (be very interested) sports. They can’t vibe (be in harmony) with me so normally when I attend a sports event, I’ll always go out with my buddies (closest friends).
What kinds of games do you expect to watch in the future?
(Answer 1)
Well, I’ll still be watching basketball and soccer. These are my favorites because they’re too exciting to watch. Anyway, lately, I’ve been starting to watch tennis and I find it (used to describe opinions or feelings that you have) interesting as well. So, I guess I’ll watch it more often in the future.
(Answer 2)
I’m actually a big fan of baseball, soccer, and basketball so for sure I’ll expect to watch more matches of these sports in the future. Recently, I’ve developed an interest in boxing so I believe I’ll watch more boxing matches in the future. Watching boxing has a different kind of effect on me and I love it.
What sports did you play when you were a child?
( Answer 1 – For both men & women)
Well, I was only into swimming because I wanted to follow in my dad’s footsteps (to do something as someone else did ) of being a professional swimmer. He’s the one who trained me on how to swim well. I remember every weekend we usually spent our time at an aquatic center (a community facility that consists of swimming pools ) just enjoying swimming and I was taught some helpful swimming techniques like proper breathing, safety, styles of swimming, and many more.
(Answer 2)
I played table tennis, basketball, volleyball, and soccer. I was very active when I was a kid, in fact, I joined several team sports competitions that helped me boost my confidence and expanded my social circles (a group of people who are connected). I wish I could be as active as I was, sadly, I’m just too preoccupied with so many work-related tasks these days.
Do you like playing sports?
(If the answer is positive)
Yes, absolutely! Playing sports is my first love, I can’t imagine my life without sports. I’ve been sporty since I was five – I love tennis, badminton, and soccer. Actually, at a very young age, I was able to compete in both minor and major tennis tournaments, though these days I don’t compete, still, I consider myself a pro (professional).
(If the answer is negative)
Unfortunately not, my life has been busier than ever before because of my work. I’ve been wanting to start playing sports but every time I have the luxury of time (to have so much time), I just want it to be spent on sleeping or traveling for me to relieve all the stress that I have which is mainly caused by overworking.
Do you watch sports live or on TV?
(Answer 1)
Neither, I’m not a fan of watching sports both live and on TV. I can’t stand watching sports on TV for hours and hours and watching it live is just time-consuming. Well, I do play some sports as it’s my way of keeping myself fit (to be strong and healthy), but, watching sports is not my cup of tea (not like something ).
(Answer 2)
Both, I enjoy watching sports like basketball, soccer, and tennis either live or on TV. But honestly, it’s more fun to watch those sports live because I feel like I’m part of the game – like I can cheer or shout, I can see the entire happening, and I can talk with other fans and establish rapport (a harmonious relationship). It’s completely different from just watching it on TV. The feeling is just inexplicable (cannot be explained )!
Do you prefer individual sports or team sports?
(If the answer is individual sports)
I prefer the former (having previously mentioned) because I can concentrate more on playing. Also, I can fully apply my strategies on how to beat (defeat; to lose) my opponent. But you know, playing sports is not all about winning or competing, I just like doing individual sports as it teaches me the value of self-discipline and self-reliance (independence).
(If the answer is team sports)
Without a doubt (used to emphasize that something is true), I’m into team sports because I value teamwork. I consider myself a people person (a person who enjoys the company of other people; a person who’s good at interacting with others) so playing sports with others such as soccer, basketball, or rugby gives me so much joy. I like the fact that I can build genuine camaraderie (friendship; mutual trust) with my teammates.
What sports are popular in your country?
I suppose there aren’t many sports that are well-known in my country, I believe it’s only football that is really famous. That’s simply because people in my country are very supportive of our national football team that every time they get into (be accepted) the World Cup, they can’t help themselves but become boisterous (lively; energetic).
Who is your favorite athlete?
Well, to be honest, no one in particular (specific). Yes, I love sports but there’s no specific sports star that I am really crazy about (to be very interested in something). I don’t idolize one, however, I have so much respect for those amazing athletes who bring honor to their country.
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Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Collins, Macmillan, Cambridge, Oxford
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