Do you enjoy your current stage of life?
(Answer 1)
Absolutely not! Honestly, I’m in a rut (to be stuck in a mundane or non-changing pattern of life), I’m not happy with my work but I have to work so I can pay the long list of bills every month. And that’s the main reason why I’m taking this exam. I want to work in an international company and in order to get hired, I have to submit proof of my English proficiency (a high degree of skill).
(Answer 2)
Definitely! I’m so blessed to have parents who are supportive of me financially and emotionally. They support all my endeavors (attempt to achieve something ), especially my mom, she’s my greatest cheerleader and I can’t thank her enough (to be very thankful). I don’t know what my life would be like without them.
In which stage of your life were you the happiest?
(Answer 1)
I must say (I must admit) my childhood days, I never had to worry about anything related to adulthood then. Those were the best times of my life as opposed to my current situation. I dunno as I get older, life is getting more unfathomable (incapable of being understood), I have to deal with so many issues in life.
(Answer 2)
Well, that’s hard because I’ve been happy with my life. I’ve never had any experience being depressed or feeling empty. As I said, I have loving and supportive parents and that alone makes me blessed and grateful.
Which stage of your life do you think is the most important?
(Answer 1)
I can’t really choose because for me every stage of my life provides a life lesson, from being a child to being an adult. Although, I have lots of issues that I’m dealing with these days and I can’t really understand life, still I value this current part of my life, simply because I have this life. I mean, I’m alive, and being alive is a gift.
(Answer 2)
I believe this current stage of my life as a high school student because I’ve learned to develop my skills such as interpersonal, critical thinking, cooking, driving, among others. Those teenage dramas that I had in the past were definitely over and done (it’s completely finished and you don’t have to think about it). Hahaha…I feel like I’ve become mature.
What’s your plan for the next stage of your life?
(Answer 1)
Just like what I said earlier, I’m working hard to pass this IELTS exam with flying colors (to do something successfully; with distinction ) so I can start finding a better job at an international company. I really believe that I can do way better than what I’m currently doing at work. Deep down inside (at a center point of one’s emotions or convictions), I know that I’m destined for something bigger in life.
(Answer 2)
Well, I want to live independently. As of this time, I’m living with my family and my life is really comfortable. I want to take a leap of faith (an act of doing something although the result is uncertain) to live on my own so I’ll be able to understand adulthood better. Because if I continue living with my parents, I won’t be able to understand life at a deeper level since I’m just depending on my parents.
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Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Collins, Macmillan, Cambridge, Oxford
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