Is there anything you would like to change about the traffic in your area?
(Answer 1)
Yes, if I had the power to do so, I would surely penalize those drivers who are lawbreakers, especially those motorcycle drivers who cause accidents and traffic in our city. Unfortunately, the city government is too lenient (merciful; tolerant) in penalizing those drivers who disobey traffic rules, and as a result, they mostly get involved in road rage or accidents.
(Answer 2)
I can’t think of one because I’m confident about the traffic situation in our city. I mean, the transportation system is pretty organized, the roads are wide enough, and drivers are obedient to traffic rules. I don’t think traffic congestion (overcrowding) is a problem in our city.
(Answer 3)
Yes, I want our city government to build more roads so that traffic congestion during rush hours will be resolved or at least reduced. Unfortunately, there are only a few alternative roads in our city, and as a result, congestion is inevitable (unavoidable). I dunno why the city government is not taking any action on this decade-long problem.
Are there a lot of crosswalks around the place where you live?
(Answer 1)
Since I’m living in the city, yes, a lot of them are visible in different areas. There are crosswalks around government buildings, commercial buildings, and parks. Some of them are well-maintained and some are not.
(Answer 2)
There aren’t a lot because I’m living in the countryside. Our town is small and there aren’t many people living there. I think there are only two – one in the park and the other one is across from the only government building in our town.
(Answer 3)
Yes, if I’m not mistaken there are more than 10 of them. I’m renting an apartment downtown and there are so many establishments or offices around the place so it’s common to see crosswalks here and there. Of course, they’re very helpful to the general public.
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Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Collins, Macmillan, Cambridge, Oxford
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